Friday, October 2, 2009

Adapting To Change

One thing I know for sure thats soooo great about homeschooling is adapting!!  We have had to adapt and change everything around this week.  Chayce has been sick since monday night so he did not do school at all.  I had tons of wonderful things planned for him to learn this week as well as Brendan.  Well, most of the things have been put off and will be done next week.  I couldn't let him miss out at all!!!  So, he didn't miss anything, no homework to catch up on, he was able to rest and have time to re-coop. Before when they were in school I would fret if they got sick, because of what they might miss.  So this was a very big change for me.  He doesn't have a huge pile to catch up on, its just all been put on hold.   I did school with Brendan but mainly just the basics....not all of the fun stuff.  However, I was able to focus one on one with Brendan and really work on some things he has struggled with.  It was a great opportunity for that.  Anyway, back to the grind stone next week.  Hopefully the rest of us don't get sick....

However, we did school on are some pics of spelling fun!!

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