I have been thinking about writing this particular thing all week and this morning as I read my bible...God kept taking me to scriptures pertaining to this very thing, so I have to write it... I feel I have no choice.
This has been an incredibly hard lesson for me to learn and I am still not done learning, but I am a work in progress...Thanks to God...He is very patient and loving with me.
Romans 19:19-21
Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
So what God is saying to me here is....If you will just do what is "right" I will handle the rest. The truth of the matter is.....I don't want to be nice to my enemies...I have often had this very discussion with God....
Lord..you tell me to love my neighbor as myself and now you want me to love this unloveable person??? UGH!!! But I obey.... its that whole "kill them with kindness thing" but its done because God tells us to, not because its some way of revenge.
The second thing he showed me is this....
Psalm 46:7
The Lord all powerful is with us: the God of Jacob is our defender.
Did you see that last word?? Defender....That tells me that God has my back and he will defend me. Its not up to me to try and protect myself..and fight my own battles.....its up to me to do what is right and let God fight my battles... This has to be one of the hardest things I have ever done. You see...if I handle it myself than at least I know its taken care of... With God, sometimes you never see or know that He has dealt with your enemy. For this I need some more belief...Lord forgive me for my unbelief.
What God has shown me this week through His word and through other teachers is this:
My pride often gets in the way in a fight. I often find myself justifying things and trying to prove myself right. I don't wanna lose.... so I will make excuses or justifications for the reasons at hand. In doing so my pride gets bigger and bigger, and I am losing quicker and quicker. Which is my biggest fear....losing a fight. Wow, now if thats not pride, I don't have a clue what is.....
God in His very discipline like voice said..... Heather..would you back off and let me handle this... He said...you need a new posture. I said what do you mean Lord ...you need to take on a posture of prayer...and pray for your enemy...get down child....on your knees Now. I have got your back and I will handle this enemy. No need for you to try and be right in this fight... I will show them with my Mighty fist... The problem is this Heather. If your standng up in your pride and arrogancy...when I swing your gonna get knocked out also... Do you want that child? No Lord...I will be humble before you Lord.
So this has been a big lesson for me. My enemies aren't lifelong enemies....sometimes my best friends, my husband, family etc. An enemy doesn't mean its someone you hate....it just means someone who opposes you.
Anyway, I suppose if you all can learn something before you have to endure it then that is a blessing. So heed my advice here and don't fight your own fights...Let God do it...
James 4:11
"Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up."
"It doesn't matter who gets the mudiest, what matters is who stays the cleanest." Beth Moore
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