Saturday, September 26, 2009

State Fair Academy

We signed up to go to the State Fair Academy. It is an educational program for public school students as well as private and homeschoolers. It is FREE!! So on Monday morning, we headed out!!! Here are some of our pictures!!

They had a birthing center where there were a lot of new born farm animals.

This is a Clydesdale from the Express Ranch.

OK..... funny, very funny!!! Here we are at the "Hedrick's Petting Zoo" um...Hedrick is my maiden name!!!!! The kids thought that was funny! I told them I always knew they belonged in a zoo!!!! Hahaha

Isn't he kinda creepy?!! Maybe its just me, I think goats are scaaarrryyy!!

Poor Kangaroo!! It looks like he's either having a bad day or having a migraine...not sure which. Maybe its because he locked up with a turtle?? Weird Combo There!!

Making Wishes

This was one of the Learning Academy stops! It was "Frontier Oklahoma"
This man was running a lathe. He had some amazing bowls that he had made on his lathe.

This is a blacksmith. He was making nails.

TeePees.... kinda obvious, huh?

Then we went to see the boys Great Grandpa, or Papa as we all call him. AKA PuttPutt the clown. He is at the fair every year making baloons for kids.

Chayce always requests a sword...imagine that.
Check out all the stuff he already has, a walking stick,
a fireman hat, a stuffed animal a backpack and
now a guess who ended up
loaded down with all this stuff??

Then we headed over to this Science Magic Show!!
AND Guess who got called on stage to be an assistant!!!!!
It was so cool, maybe because he's mine, and there were 200 other
kids in there to pick from but, IT WAS SO COOL!!!
And He did Great of Course....

He was stoked!!! This was a shot after the show was over.
Apparently this guy is on Disney and Nickelodeon??!!

We always save this part for last. "The Space Needle"

It was a beautiful day nice and cool. The kids were on their best behavior. The food was great (and greasy) as always! It truly is

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